Help for search in Portaro catalog

New: You can search books by signature prefix.

  1. Simple search: enter prefix to signatura field and * character. Eg. Umění*
  2. Complex search: select Signatura option and enter prefix only (without * character). System * append automatically. Eg. Teige

Search in Portaro catalog

Advanced search

For fields „criteria“ and „search query“ it is possible to use various ways of search: Wildcard, Fuzzy, Range; and for field „search query“ also the Boolean Operators.

Wildcard search

use in the field „criteria“ or „search query“ (not together)

to perform a single character wildcard search use the ? (question mark symbol) for example, to search for text or test you can use the search:

to perform a multiple character (0 or more) wildcard search use the * (star symbol). For example, in the field „criteria“ use only histor and the system will fill the * in the field „search query“ by itself
For example, for the term history or historic the system performs the following searches:

hist* searches in all fields
PAll:hist* searches in all fields
P650:hist* searches only in field MARC21 650 (Keywords/Subject)
P245:hist* searches only in field MARC21 245 (Title)

You can also use the wildcard search in the middle of a term.

Note: You cannot use a * or ? symbol as the first character of a search.

Fuzzy search - the tilde ~

use in the field „criteria“ and „search query“

Use the symbol tilde ~ at the end of a single word term.
For example to search for a term similar in spelling to růst use the fuzzy search:
This search will find terms like růst and půst.

Range search

use in the field „criteria“ and „search query“

To perform a range search you can use the [ ] characters.
For example to search for a term that starts with either A, B, or C:
[A TO C]
The same can be done with numeric fields such as the Year:

[2002 TO 2003] searches in all fields
REZS_ROK:[2002 TO 2003] searches only in the field Year of publication

Boolean Operators – (AND, +, OR, NOT and -)

use only in the field „search query“

Boolean operators allow terms to be combined with logic operators. The following operators are allowed:
AND, +, OR, NOT and -.

Note: Boolean operators must be ALL CAPS.


The AND operator is the default conjunction operator. This means that if there is no Boolean operator between two terms, the AND operator is used. The AND operator matches records where both terms exist anywhere in the field of a record.
To search for records that contain dějiny and Palacký use the query:

dějiny AND Palacký searches in all fields
P245:"dějiny" AND P245:"Palacký" searches only in field Title

The OR operator links two terms and finds a matching record if either of the terms exists in a record.

To search for documents that contain either abc dějin or just dějin use the query:
"abc dějin" Abc    nebo    "abc dějin" OR Abc


The NOT operator excludes records that contain the term after NOT.
To search for documents that contain dějiny but not Palacký use the query:
"dějiny NOT Palacký

Note: The NOT operator cannot be used with only single term. For example, the following search will return zero results: NOT dějiny

Operátor +

used in the field „criteria“

The + or required operator requires that the term after the + (plus symbol) exist somewhere in the field of a record.
To search for records that must contain dějiny and may contain Palacký use the query:
+dějiny Palacký

Operátor -

used in the field „criteria“

The - or prohibit operator excludes documents that contain the term after the – (minus symbol).
To search for documents that contain dějiny but not Palacký use the query:
"dějiny" -"Palacký"
(with quotation marks and space as indicated)